Twitter / X

Twitter / X + Ghost

How to use Ghost and Twitter / X together

All content from Twitter / X works with Ghost automatically via our OEmbed integration. All you have to do is paste a URL!

Share content from Twitter / X on your Ghost site and in your email newsletters in a few clicks using automatically generated embeds. Here’s how to get started!

Copy the URL of the track

Grab the URL of the tweet you’d like to embed into your post or page from your browser. On Twitter, click ShareCopy link to tweet to automatically copy the Tweet’s URL to your clipboard.

Paste it into the Ghost editor

When you paste the Tweet link into the Ghost editor it’ll be automatically transformed into a rich embed of the tweet you selected.

Publish your post

That’s all there is to it! Ghost interacts with Twitter to retrieve the Tweet and automatically embeds the tweets in your posts and email newsletters. Here’s what a Tweet embed looks like: